Chris leaves TFKA
Listen up boys and girls, listen up...
This is a message I've been kinda bummed about writing for awhile but I figured it was time to let everyone know what's up. Even though I'm excited for what's to come, it's still really hard.
I have decided that it is in my best interest and the band's best interest to leave the Fastest Kid Alive, effective immediately. I have no negative feelings toward the band and I love all of these guys but I simply do not have a place in my life for a full-time touring band right now. As many of you know, I am a full-time college student at Purdue University and am finishing up my sophomore year there. If I were to pursue the band it would require me to drop out of school and really abandon everything I have going for me in my life (friends, girlfriend, family, school). I have been given the rare opportunity to go to a very good institution and make something of myself. Only 1% of the entire global population gets the opportunity to go to any sort of college and I just don't think it would be a wise choice to throw something like this away.
Being in a band like this has always been a dream of mine and I am blessed that I got to write some amazing songs with these dudes and play some amazing shows. But after a lot of thinking I have realized that I have the potential to do more with my life than be in a band and play music. If I want to accomplish my real dreams and goals, I need to focus on school. I am currently studying Environmental Engineering here at Purdue and I hope that one day I can make this world a cleaner, better, safer place for everyone to enjoy. Personally, this could be more fulfilling and rewarding than a band could ever be to me. Don't get me wrong, music has always been a true passion in my life and I am never ever, EVER going to stop playing and writing. My whole thing with music though has always been for the love of music, not to get big or go anywhere with it. I want to play music for the true love of it...nothing more and I could really care less if I am recognized or get famous. Music is something that I do to make myself happy and I'm not trying to impress anyone.
With all of that being said, I wish the best of luck to these guys and I truly do hope they get somewhere with this band. I can see this going big places and I was only holding them back. Gary's younger brother Mark will be taking over guitar and singing duties from now on so I want everyone to give him an extremely warm welcome into the TFKA family. I will always love these 4 guys and I hope the very best for them.
I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported this band, and supported me being a part of it for the past few months. I don't know if other bands have the quality of fans that we do, but either way, you have blown my mind! So thanks for that. Keep in mind, The Fastest Kid Alive is NOT slowing down because of this. They will be going into the studio soon, and let me just say first hand...the new songs are going to be LEGIT! I'm SO excited for Gary, Kyle, Austin, and Mark and for the future success of the band.
In the meantime, check out a new project I have been working on called SWEATSHIRT WEATHER! ( I am extremely excited about this new project and it is giving me a chance to explore some areas of music I have never really been before. Let me know what you all think!
Thanks for everything friends,